Separate meals and childrenSeparate meals and children

Nutrition of a child from birth to three years Fadeeva Valeria Vyacheslavovna Separate nutrition Separate nutrition Separate nutrition takes into account the compatibility of various products with each other and allows you to avoid disturbances in the digestive process and the occurrence of problems

Threatened miscarriage in early pregnancy: symptoms and treatmentThreatened miscarriage in early pregnancy: symptoms and treatment

Spontaneous termination of pregnancy in the early stages (up to 12 weeks) is called miscarriage, or spontaneous abortion. Often a woman loses her baby at a time when she does not even suspect that she is pregnant. In this case, she may not understand

Uterine tone during pregnancy - symptoms and treatmentUterine tone during pregnancy - symptoms and treatment

Contents A woman expecting a child can be very frightened when she first feels discomfort. Uterine tone during pregnancy is a dangerous symptom throughout all three trimesters, the cause of which must be identified as soon as possible in order to

Pregnancy with a bent uterus - is it possible?Pregnancy with a bent uterus - is it possible?

Some women, when examined in a chair or during an ultrasound examination of the pelvis, hear from doctors about a certain “posterior bending of the uterus.” This information is not accepted by everyone calmly. Let's consider whether the bending of the uterus during pregnancy is dangerous, what are the

Memo for children and adultsMemo for children and adults

Our respiratory system is a complex mechanism that performs the function of gas exchange, delivers oxygen to our body and removes carbon dioxide from it. Bronchi, bronchioles, pharynx, nasal cavity, larynx of various sizes. Bronchioles are airways

How to get rid of wen on the face: professional and folk remedies How to remove a small wen on the faceHow to get rid of wen on the face: professional and folk remedies How to remove a small wen on the face

The favorite place for lipomas to appear is the face. According to statistics, their owners are mainly women over 30 years old. The neoplasm itself is an accumulation of fatty deposits located under a thin membrane.E

A healer treats with his hands, can there be exacerbations?A healer treats with his hands, can there be exacerbations?

Healers and ScienceIf it so happens that you read the previous chapters at a run, then I advise you to concentrate and read the next couple of pages slowly. Perhaps here there will be answers to many questions that have been tormenting people for a long time. It is known that in Russia science

Cracks on the fingers near the nails: causes, treatmentCracks on the fingers near the nails: causes, treatment

It’s very unpleasant if, on an important and important day, when you want to look your best, you realize that you won’t be able to get a manicure because one or even several nails are cracked, broken, or started to flake. The situation can be corrected by building up

How to treat drug allergiesHow to treat drug allergies

Allergies to drugs: photos, symptoms, what to do, treatment Allergic reactions to drugs are widespread, since absolutely any drug can cause a negative response in the body. A person can experience both minor

The baby has swelling under the eyes: causes and treatmentThe baby has swelling under the eyes: causes and treatment

Bags under the eyes are quite common, and the reason for this is stress, lack of sleep, problems with the endocrine system, etc. Sometimes this problem occurs even in very young children, and this immediately alarms parents, because it is a reason for concern.